100 x Madonna exhibition at The Crypt Gallery, St Pancras Church
A perfectly atmospheric venue for this interdisciplinary group art exhibition and a lovely cool temperature when you get there pervades the 100 x Monna at The Crypt St Pancras. And where better than a church crypt to host a collection of modern artworks with a purely religious theme albeit some artists have borrowed humour to include in their takes on the Virgin Mary – undoubtably the most famous woman to ever live on planet earth.
Between September 7 and 17 the above exhibition is open from 11 am to 7 pm daily and The Crypt Gallery is on the Euston Road London NW1 2BA.
Innovative takes on the theme of The Madonna – Virgin Mary include one controversial takes with a picture of Madonna and child surrounded by what appears to be 3 blister packs of contraceptive pills. Another and very fetching piece of artwork is done in stained glass as the head of Madonna. One artist – Mali has actually used a picture of the singer Madonna as part of his work.
A guitar is used in another work and it has had part of the front removed and a montage of Madonna pictures have been used to decorate it effectively giving a 3D style of conceptual art which is enhanced with the use of the musical instrument.
When visiting the exhibition, please ask for prices if wishing to buy from the staff there. Entry is free.