Clinton Trumped as Donald Trump wins

Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton to win the US presidency in a remarkable upset. Trump defied all expectations including media forecasts. At the start of the presidential campaign over a year ago, few people thought he would actually run and win the election. They said he would not win any primaries and would not win the Republican nomination.
Trump won in Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin with black and working-class white voters deserting the democrats and as the rural voters turned out in high numbers. The Trump wave hit in hard to reach places and won. He ran against the Democrats and also ran against the powers within his own party and ended winning the US presidency.
Mr. Trump beats all his Republican primary opponents like Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Ben Carson and holdouts like Jeb Bush and Ohio Governor John Kasich.
The polls got it wrong the will and preferences of the electorate, especially in the Midwest.
Trump successfully consolidated his base and bringing wayward conservatives back into the fold. Mr. Trump ran the most unconventional political campaign, by holding massive rallies instead of door-to-door knocking. His campaign was outspend, by the Clinton campaign
Media circus got it so wrong, but people are not stupid at the end they cast their vote and elected Trump going against media whitewash.
Donald Trump pledges to be president for “all Americans” after a shock US election victory in his New York victory speech. He said he was “reaching out” to people who had not supported him to “unify the country.” “Now it’s time to bind the wounds of division. I say to Democrats and Republicans it is time come together as one united people.” “I pledge to be president of all Americans, the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.”
He also said It was not a campaign but a movement that had won him the White House comprised of “all people of different backgrounds and beliefs”.
Mrs Clinton did not initially concede the election but then later called Mr ~Trump to congratulate him on his victory.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May has congratulated Trump on his victory saying “ I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next president of the United States, following a hard-fought campaign. Britain and United States have an enduring and special relationship based on the values of freedom, democracy, and enterprise. We are, and will remain, strong and close partners on trade, security, and defence. I look forward to working with President-elect Donald Trump, building on these ties to ensure the security and prosperity of our nations in the years ahead.”