19 killed in Kyushu, southern Japan hit by 7.3 magnitude earthquake

A powerful earthquake with a 7.3 magnitude had triggered by a small eruption of the Mt Aso volcano on Kyushu, barely 24 hours after a small quake which killed nine people in the same region.The earthquake topple buildings and shredded structures into piles of debris. According to Chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga, at least 23 people are buried inside buildings.
Authorities said hundreds of calls had come in from residents reporting several people trapped inside houses and buildings in Mashiki. The fire disaster management agency said 66 people were trapped inside a nursing home in Mashiki and rescue efforts are underway.
More than 400 people were treated at hospitals after tbe Kumamotop quake at 1:25am local time on Saturday 15th April, 2016, followed by several aftershocks..
Mashiki sits near Mount Aso, a huge active volcano. 800 people were injured on Thursday’s weaker, magnitude 6.5 earthquake which brought down buildings which followed 100 aftershocks. And 44,000 people stayed in shelters.