Three mahouts and one woman were killed in elephant attacks during festival parades in Kerala, India in the last three weeks. The woman was killed by an elephant at Sabarimala Sannidhanam. Elsewhere elephants also killed mahouts at three different festivals – Ayyappan Vilakku at Narayanankulangara, near Tripunithura, a festival of Shiva temple at Thrithala and…
Month: February 2016
Dr Rose Polge, a junior doctor who works at Torbay Hospital, vanished in Devon, was last seen on Friday, February 12, 2016. Her car was found in a car park near Ansteys Cove, near Torquay. Police said it was “totally out of character” for the young doctor and are concerned for her welfare. More than…
England tour of South Africa, 5th ODI: South Africa v England at Newlines, Cape Town, Feb 14, 2016 5th ODI South Africa v England England 236 all out 45 overs 204mins AD Hales 112 off 128 balls 14 fours, JE Root 27 off 25 balls 4 fours, BA Stokes 29 off 32 balls 1 four…
Bollywood actors Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini and Amir Khan had to be evacuated when big fire broke out at a cultural show ‘Make in India’ at Chowpathy Beach, in Mumbai. Fire was blazing under a stage as dancers up above continued their act. The fire engulfed the entire stage within minutes. Aamir han was set…
Virgin Atlantic flight VS025 heading to New York was turned back to London Heathrow , at 20:13 GMT on Sunday February 14, 2016, after a ‘laser beam incident. A crew member is recorded saying to Irish air traffic control that they had a ‘medical issue with one of the pilots after a laser incident after…
The Revenant, wilderness drama starring Leonardo DiCaprio has dominated this year’s Baftas, as it won 5 awards including the best film, DiCaprio best actor, Alejandro G Inarritu best director, a the ceremony at London’s Royal Opera House on Sunday hosted by Stephen Fry. Leonardo DiCaprio who plays fur-trapper Hugh glass said he was “honoured and…
Swimmers and surfers at the beaches to the East of Christchurch, on the South Island, New Zealand were shocked when they saw rocks began to fall into the sea and the cliffs collapsed after a 30 minute earthquake that struck at 13:!3 local time (00:13 GMT). New Zealand lies on the notorious Ring of Fire,…
Julian Dunkerton, 50, from Cheltenham, the multi-millionaire boss of Superdry clothing chain, with 500 stores worldwide in 40 countries, famous for its hooded tops and T-shirts, which he built up from a market stall, funded by a £2000 loan from his father in the 1980s, to pay for his divorce, has, sold four million shares…
A mother and toddler had the freight of their life when their car parked next to the Amsterdam’s Schinkel River, started to roll towards the canal with the toddler inside. She tried to get the child out in time, but it plunge into the canal with both of them inside. Four onlookers jumped…