75 Million EU Citizens came into Europe last year without any checks
A huge amount of EU citizens have come back from other continents in the past year with no check from terrorist watchlists. The Sun on Sunday March 27 stated “barmy border rules make it far easier for jihadists to enter Europe unhindered,”. More than 5,000 EU citizens have been to ISIS war zones, including Syria and Iraq then returned without any checks.
Even if they show up on official screens as being suspects they are not denied entry as the European Court has ruled they cannot automatically be denied entry back into the UK. Some people are returning from fighting for ISIS.
Official figures demonstrate that 75 M EU citizens were not checked against watchlists as they entered the open border Schengen area. That was out of a tot al of 127 million arrivals. Britain is not a part of the 26 country zone which lifts passport checks for those travelling between member countries.