
Blood Moon, total Lunar eclipse takes over Friday skies

Total Lunar eclipse
Total Lunar eclipse
Blood Moon
Blood Moon
Lunar eclipse 2018
Lunar eclipse 2018


The century’s longest total lunar eclipse  “Blood Moon” of the 21st century lasted for 103 minutes as the Earth’s natural satellite turned a striking shade of red or ruddy brown.

In the UK where the weather allowed the Moon could be seen to turn red –fully eclipsed by Earth –from when it rose from 21:00 until 22:15 BST. Over the coming days, Mars will be at its closest point to Earth since 2003-visible as a “bright red star” where skies are clear. Mars close approach gave skywatchers a good view of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

The Moon passed right through the centre of the Earth’s shadow, at the shadow’s widest point.