A Contrast to Boris’s rant:- Please See Seeking The Truth – On Being a Parent
This is a “sonnet” which won top marks:-
The future battles that haven’t yet been fought
With men and women and adversaries that we haven’t yet met
That is the trap in which we are caught
Which makes each sweet hour that passeth tainted and yet
We can look back and remember conflicts which we have won
But yet look away and to misfortunes on the screen turn
Will the deeply ingrained insecurity of life ever be done?
And if deciding, when ill done to, to do ill in return
Queer our pitch with the one beloved constant God?
And fear damnation – that is, if we still, despite all, believe?
Evil to he who evil thinks and to die young means you’re good!
With these phrases we live and grieve
So can we find the truth that gives us sanctuary from pain?
In this life of torture and conflict or do we we search in vain?
Penny Nair Price
Comments please if you want to make them.