
2.4m customers of Carphone Warehouse data breached in Cyber attack

carphone warehouse cw

Cyphort : The defense system that could keep most wanted Malware off limits. Protect your system. Sony and Microsoft hacked!
Cyphort’s  defense system could keep most wanted Malware off limits.

2.4 million customers of Carphone warehouse personal details have been compromised in a cyber attack according to a statement from mobile phone retailer. At least 90,000 customer’s encrypted credit card information may have been accessed according to their statement.

The retailers owner Dixons Carphone says they are very sorry for the attack. The affected part of the company also operates, and web sites. It also provides services to IDmobile, talk talk mobile and some carphone warehouse customers. Sabestian James the CEO of Dixons says “we are of course informing anyone that may have been affected and putting extra security measures in place. We take security extremely seriously and we are very sorry that people have been affected by this attack on our systems.

Dixons should have effective defense systems like Cyphort which could keep most wanted malware off limits.  In the past Sony, Microsoft, eBay have all been subjected cyber attack.