This film is a laugh a minute at the same time as being tinged with sadness and poignancy as two dysfunctional twins – Milo and Maggie catch up with each other after ten years. Maggie is married but committing regular infidelities, whilst Milo is gay, and still in love with his schoolteacher – a married man who first encountered and ‘loved’ him before the age of consent. The story embraces and analyses through awe inspiring acting from Kristen Wig and Bill Hader their life growing up together – using flashbacks to childhood antics, and some fun – and some not so funny scenes regarding their current situations. What is a little hard to bear is the strong play on the frailty of their grasps on life – which must have been quite a challenge for these two actors who work so well together to portray their characters on screen. Neither Milo nor Maggie are quite able to find purpose or closure to their mainly romantic aspirations. In many ways this story addresses new territories in the human interest drama league and the acting alone is something to behold. Hold your breath for the giggle filled scene on body burps. For the new territories reason, give it a try, but it is definitely not a romcom in the true understanding of that genre. (Run time 93 mins). Look for it on DVD.
Penny Nair Price