Acting rehearsal turned into adventure, as Armed police storm actor’s house

Armed police alerted by neighbours surrounded a house where four West End Actors live in Hither Green, South East London where they were rehearsing. The neighbours who overhear a man pleading for his life thought this was a real siege and called in the snipers.
Simon Gordon 25 was practising an audition with the window open, for the part of Carole King’s husband in the Carole King musical Beautiful help form housemate Joel Harper-Jackson and Rory Taylor, when the police stormed in at 11:30p, on 19th September 2015 looking for a gun.
Mr Gordon said “we were rehearsing for a role and it gets a bit heated, at times the scene, and we did not realize one window was open”.
One of the neighbours misconstrued the scene and called the police.
The scene they were rehearsing involved someone begging for their life, The scene did not feature gun of any kind neither real nor replica.
15 Armed policemen with automatic assault rifles stormed the house with a few casual snipers in the garden..
Mr Gordon who posted the incident in the facebook, regrets now that he did not ask the police for a selfie.