Amazing Chocolate Show

The UK’s biggest Chocolate show was attended by over 15,000 chocolate fans and saw the best UK Chocolate companies exhibiting alongside with international brands who returned for demonstration and tasting from 16-18 October 2015 at Olympia National Hall London. We eat more chocolate and create any excuse for eating it.
Exhibitors included brands like Paul A Young, Rococo, Azara from United Kingdom, Friiis-Holm from Denmark, Gustolato from Italy,Pacari from Ecuador, Shattell from Peru,
Nicaragua is one of the ancestral homes of coca, where Christopher Columbus first tasted Cocoa and allegedly brought it back to Europe for the first time after his fourth New World exploratory visit between 1502 and 1504. Today Nicaragua with 10, 500 cocoa farmers, produces around 4000 metric tonnes per year representing under 0.3 percent of a global supply that is heavily concentrated in West Africa. Ingemann Cacao Fino. Coco producers from Managua in Nicaragua, where different varieties of coca are exported including Chuno which is citric and nutty, spicy , olive taste, Rugoso which sweet brandy strawberry, Nicalizo which taste of grapes , woody and raisins , Johe Green tea and herbal taste, Barba Cinnamon and smoky taste, Meadlla which tastes of oat and molasses.
Shattell from Peru is another success story. Booming coca production made Peru a leading exporter of fine flavor coca “Fino de Aroma”. Indians in the Andes have chewed the coca leaf to stave off hunger and gain strength for their long treks in the mountains in the past. The coca growing region is located between Andes and Amazonia.Their growth rate of 22.4 percent as Peru exported 160, 500 metric tonnes of cocoa beans .
Dancing on Canavieiras beach in Bahia in Eastern Brazil, known as the lush tropical paradise, Coca Coast in Cachoeira Alta. Bahia was once the center of the Chocolate universe. There used to be 330million acres of rainforest in eastern Brazil called Mata Atlantica, which got destroyed by settlers. Only 7 percent of the Mata Atlantica remains. Joao Tavares is a fourth generation cocoa producer, has 2,200 acres of rainforest planted with cacao trees using the cabruca method cutting down few of the tall rainforest trees and planting the mid-height cacao trees underneath.
Chocolate Week is organised by Sylvie Douce and Francois Jeantet founders and organisers of the Salon du Chocolat around the world including The Chocolate Show London.
For Chocolate mad people, there is a Chocolate Ecstasy Tours with golden tickets for indulging in true chocolate experience, with a guided tour top boutiques and shops revealing the historic Chocolate facts and delicious chocolate tastings. There are London’s prestigious Mayfair and Chelsea tours, ,Nottinghill Coffee and Chocolate tours, Ice Cream Ecstasy Tour of Soho and Covent Garden (London). Tickets can be booked at www.chocolateecstasytours.com .