Avocado a day keeps you healthy
Avocado fruit, with low sugar content, but rich in nutrients like monounsaturated fatty acids which tastes like butter, is eaten as smoothies, ice cream.
The scientific name of Avocado is Persia Americana originated in southern Mexico and Colombia about seven thousand years ago.
If one takes avocado daily it is good for heart and increases HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and can reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and protect against heart disease.
Avocado contains high amounts of fibre and potassium, which is good for healthy digestion, and had less fructose, which reduces the possibility of gas in the stomach.
Eating avocado can also reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome and monounsaturated fatty acids is responsible for controlling weight.
Avocado is also enriched with carotenoids such as lutein and xanthine, which maintain eye health. In addition avocado has vitamin E, which is essential for better eye health.
Avocado also contains avocation-B element which can act to fight leukemia stem cells which causes cancer. Avocado can inhibit the growth of prostrate cancer cells.
Avocado’s rich fatty acids Vitamin D, and fibre can relieve gingivitis and periodontitis ( infection of gums), inflammation .
Raw avocado has Boron mineral, which can benefit bones by increasing the absorption of calcium and has vitamin K, which play a pivotal role in bone health and can prevent arthritis.
Avocado is rich in fibre which can keep the liver healthy.