Bolsonaro is Brazil’s new President-elect

Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), born on 21 March 1955 in Sao Paulo, far-right former Army captain clinched Brazil’s President election by a comfortable margin of 55.13 per cent against Fernando Haddadi 44.87 per cent and also won the approval of U.S. President Donald Trump. He will officially take over in January 2019. Bolsonaro reaffirmed his commitment to reforms in his mandate including the priority of the economic team to carry out the social security.
Bolsonaro notorious for his offensive remarks about women, turned crisis into an opportunity, by vowing to drain the swamp, slash regulations and get tougher with China.
Brazil’s President-elect pledged on Sunday to unify Latin America’s largest nation, promised a military-inspired approach to fighting crime, vowing to kill laws protecting indigenous lands in Amazon and downsize the government and shift foreign policy. Dollar falls to R $ 3,63.
Thousands of Bolsonaro supporters cheered and set off fireworks outside his home, while elsewhere police deployed to disperse protesters.