Branson firmly in Europe camp and calls it a “Major Trading Bloc”
Despite the fact that Richard Branson now lives in Necker Island and visits the UK for up to 3 months per year, Virgin Boss Richard Branson heads a powerful collection of business professionals who want to stay in the European Union. His critics say the parade of names are reminiscent of the Blair campaign to join the single European currency debate some 15 years ago. However the UK does need to move forward with the times and why exactly can we not make the Euro a concurrent theme of monetary policy throughout the EU? This would essentially ensure that prices were the same in any EU country for cars, electrical goods and other produce, and that money changing would be eradicated for travellers and tourists. Yes it would be a big “change” but definitely maybe he has a point.
Supporters include Blair, Brown, Kenneth Clarke and Lord Mandelson. They have been cajoled by UKIP MP Douglas Carswell but exactly what are the people against the EU offering in exchange?
A former policeman, Sir Hugh Orde also put forward the theory that criminals might escape justice if the EU was left.
Branson’s view is thus:- “Being part of Europe means we are part of one of the biggest trading blocs in the world. So the bottom line is that we are much stronger being a part of Europe than being an island to ourselves”. Vice chairman of West Ham, Karren Brady said “Whether on the pitch or in the boardroom, people are stronger when they work together”. Chairman of BT Sir Mike Rake is in favour of the EU also.
Former Marks & Spencer chief Lord Rose has a very interesting contributory theory:- “To claim that the patriotic course for Britain is to retreat, withdraw and become inward looking is to misunderstand who we are as a nation. The quitters cannot guarantee that jobs would be safe and prices wouldn’t rise”.
Amongst the major names in politics who want to “sit on the fence” and take a “middle of the road” stance is London Mayor Boris Johnson who said he will only decide how to campaign after seeing the deal Dave Cameron comes back with, after a possible summit in December. Watch this space.
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