Snigdha Poonam a Delhi-based journalist, explores the hopes and fears of rising and the new generation of young Indians are shaping the world’s largest democracy, where 40 per cent of the population is under age of 35 and a million people turn 18 every month. As this population grows up, it will definitely reshape India…
Category: Education
Rebecca Abrams in The Jewish Journey tells the history of Jewish people from the ancient Mesopotamia through time and space to modern European times through 22 objects from the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. From many of the little known treasures all 22 remarkable stories have been generated, spanning 4000 years of Jewish history covering 14…
This is a follow-up sequel to the international bestseller of motherhood-and- career, “I Don’t Know How She Does it,” for the modern woman anywhere. In its opening page we see Kate Reddy, a city fund manager and mother of two juggling with supermarket mince pies in her kitchen attempting to distress the pies with a…
Mobile phones were merely used for making calls on the go before Steve Jobs introduced us to “the One device” iPhone. How did the iPhone transform our world and turn Apple into the most valuable company ever? This is a first hand look at how the cutting-edge tech that makes the world work- touch screens,…
In the eighteenth century, India’s share of world economy was larger than Europe. By 1947 after two hundred years of British rule it had decreased six-fold. Beyond the conquest and deception the Empire blew rebels from cannon, massacred unarmed protesters, entrenched institutionalised racism and caused millions to die from starvation. The British imperialism justified itself…
This book reveals for the first time how advanced economies invest more in intangibles – design, branding, research and development, software – than in physical assets. Jonathan Haskell of Imperial College and UK government adviser Stian Westlake of Nesta, both co-winners of the 2017 Indigo Prize, make an un disputable challenges for businesses and public…
Tammin Bayoumi, is the Deputy Director in the Strategy, Policy and Review Department at the International Monetary Fund, since 1988, who demonstrates that the incompetently regulated European Financial institutions played a major part to inadequately regulated U.S. shadow banking in brining economic calamity to both sides of the Atlantic – and to the entire world.…
A vivid tale of slavery, innocence, love, despair and freedom is narrated in an unforgettable language, as Jane Harris’s third novel based on true story, drills deep into the past. It is a story of slavery masked by a boisterous adventure. The year is 1765, and the voice of Lucien a “mulatto” slave who is…
Tom O’Reilly, in his latest provocative book explores the dangers of rogue artificial intelligence bullying our future survival. Our financial markets are already running Artificial intelligence bullying corporate bosses to do bad things and destroy society, The “master Algorithm” of shareholder capitalism persuades companies to pursue short term profit by slashing cost, creating stock…
Economics for the Common Good is a response to the crisis of the economics profession, whose credibility was badly damaged by the financial crisis of 2008. Frenchman Jean Tirole, who in 2014 won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, has spent years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before building a strong economics community…