Freedom to Think is a story about trillion-dollar tech companies, their algorithms, and categorises us and jumps to troubling conclusions about who we are. Their intrusion further into our lives also shapes our everyday thoughts choices and actions – from who we date to whether we vote to our sexual orientation with facial recognition technology…
Category: Education
The Slow Road to Tehran by Rebecca Lowe, is a two-wheeled adventure tale, travelling 11, 000 miles, a year-long adventure plodding from Europe to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Oman, and the UAE before finally arriving in Iran. Lowe, who was the chief reporter at the International Bar Association, is adept at human rights issues,…
We are fascinated by the French, their way of life, their creativity, sophistication and self-assurance, and even their insistence that they are exceptional. British Journalist and historian Peter Watson, says France is the nation’s long tradition of the Renaissance salons that were breeding ground for poets, writers, philosophers, scientists, and artists in the drawing-room of…
“Celebrating life in words and pictures”. Balraj Khanna – “Born in India Made in England” – his new book – in tandem with his Art Exhibition at Osborne Samuel Gallery 23 Dering Street W15 1AW until April 14th 2022. The Vernissage was on Wednesday 30th March 2022. Venue opposite John Lewis, off Oxford Street and…
April 1941, Belfast has escaped the worst of war, but it’s going to be destroyed from above, so that people will say, in horror, My God, Belfast is finished. Two sisters, four nights, one city, following the lives of sisters Emma and Audrey – one engaged to be married, the other in a secret relationship…
Twenty-two-year-old Albanian, Arsim, is newly married and cautious trying to keep his head down and finish his studies in an atmosphere of creeping threat. Set in Pristina in 1995, with some sections taking place in the aftermath of the Yugoslav wars, follows a love affair between Arsim a married Albanian who want to be a…
Modernism celebrates the century and its consequences are all around us, built into our everyday lived environments. Its place in Britain’s history is fiercely contested and its role in our future is the subject of ongoing controversy, although modernist buildings have changed our cities, politics, and identity forever. Own Hatherley applauds the ambition and explores…
Sri-Lankan-born Michelle de Krester’s seventh novel, Scary Monsters, just as migration has upended her characters’ lives. Lyle works for a sinister government department in near-future Australia. An Asian migrant, he fears repatriation and embraces “Australian values”. Scary Monster is a two-headed creature with two stories and front covers, tells a realist tale of the early…
Ornithologist and behaviour ecologist, Antone Martinho-Truswell, proves human resemblance to birds although neither we humans are not like other mammals nor fly or have feathers and lay eggs, and not descended from dinosaurs. Our defining human traits, our longevity, intelligence, monogamy and childrearing and learning and language are far more similar to birds than…
Hotel, Restaurant, and Catering ( HRC) have stood at the epitome of hospitality, innovation, welcoming thousands for more than 86 years.