RT has been described by Vladimir Putin saying”The channel is funded by the Government so it cannot help but reflect the Russian government’s official position on the events in our country and in the rest of the world one way or another”. They have now offered Nigel Farage his own television show as part…
Category: Fashion
. More Chinese parents are now choosing English names for their new babies to give them a foothold in the West. Beau Jessup, 16, after visiting China with her parents and meeting Chinese who asked her advice about naming their children has now earned more than £48,000. The website Specialname was set up by her…
The automobile industry, a multi-billion dollar affair, over the past decade, have seen ownership changing hands, conglomerates, sales strategies change, separations, bankruptcies and entire divisions shut off. This is the concise guide to who owns what brands in the auto industry. As carmakers trim down to become more efficient and more profitable the names like…
Saturn is the sixth planet from The Sun and is THE most distant that can be seen with the naked eye. It is the second largest planet and is best known for its FABULOUS ring system that was first observed by the astronomer Galileo Galilei. Like Jupiter, Saturn is a gas giant and this includes…
Last June about this time of the month JC appeared in a well loved Sunday broadsheet sporting the long coat and the rolls having taken part in a comedy sketch where he stated he was 7 to 7.5 out of 10 in favour of staying in the EU. Some of his fans gasped at this…
Emanating from The Thali Café in Bristol – a restaurant which is now one of five which are owned by Jim Pizer – the dish I’m writing about is a customer favourite. Many of us know Sag Paneer as a wonderful quite bland dish made with the Indian Paneer cheese and Spinach with spices. The cheese is…
After 20 years this festival still breaks new ground with documentaries, shock horror shorts and features which startle all done by up and coming film makers mostly in London and Europe although there is also an international section. The point of a festival like this – which is also free mostly is to promo new…
A perfectly atmospheric venue for this interdisciplinary group art exhibition and a lovely cool temperature when you get there pervades the 100 x Monna at The Crypt St Pancras. And where better than a church crypt to host a collection of modern artworks with a purely religious theme albeit some artists have borrowed humour…
Ankur Panwar 25, convicted of murder and other offences at a special court in Mumbai, India, has been sentenced to death, undersections 302 (murder) and 326B (Voluntarily throwing acid) of the Indian Penal Code, for a fatal acid attack on Preeti Rathi 23, at Bandra, a busy railway station three years ago, when she got…
Amit Agrawal of Amazon India plans to invest in an Indian online food delivery startup Swiggy after several discussions with the Bengaluru-based firm over the past three months. Swiggy also attracted Alibaba-backed Chinese food delivery venture Ele.me. Siggy, valued at $200m, founded by Sriharsha Majety, CEO, along with Rahul Jaimini and Nandan Reddy. It competes with…