Chemistry GCSE exam answer given in another question!
After the GCSE tough Maths question which stumped many students, some pupils who noticed a fill-in-the-blank answer was given in a question below in the easy Chemistry paper, were pleasantly surprised.
Some students have been making fun of the exam on Twitter.
AQA, which set the paper, said it was aware of the mistake before the exam was sat.
In a statement, board representatives said: “This shouldn’t have happened, and we’re sorry it did.”
2a) complete the blank:
- i) limestone is mostly calcium_______
5b) limestone is made of mostly calcium carbonate
Okay #aqachemistry
The examination board added: “As part of our ongoing quality control checks we noticed that an answer to a one-mark question was given in a longer question later on in the paper.
“As the papers had already been sent out to schools and colleges, we took the view (and informed our regulator, Ofqual) that it was better to leave both questions in than cause unnecessary stress and confusion to students right at the start of the exam.”
The board said it would make sure the mistake doesn’t affect students’ grades, but says schools can get in touch if they’re worried.
Earlier this month a tricky GCSE maths question stumped thousands of students.
Edexcel’s owner Pearson said it aimed to “test the full range” of abilities. But it claimed students would be “treated fairly” when the papers were marked.