Covid-19 : Prevention is much easier than cure

Researches behind a global study into Hydroxychloroquine led by Oxford University have against dismissing the drug prematurely, saying it could still save lives. The study, known as Copcov, aims to enroll 40, 000 healthcare workers from across the world to determine whether the drug is effective at fighting Covid-19. Dr. Will Schilling the trail’s lead investigator said “ We really don’t know if hydroxychloroquine works or not in the prevention or very early treatment. That question remains unanswered”.
Professor Nick Day, director of Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit said “ At this stage the steroid dexamethasone, which reduces inflammation saves lives, but the antivirals hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine do not. However, that does not rule out that they could be effective much earlier in the illness. Prevention is much easier than cure. The Copcov study will find out if these drugs can prevent Covid-19 or not. The benefits found in small post-exposure treatment trials although modest could be very vulnerable if they were confirmed.”
Hydroxychloroquine was thrown into the spotlight in recent months by US President Donald Trump, who says he has tried it as a potential defence against Covid-19. The French Government banned the use of the drug as a treatment for coronavirus while the US Food and Drug Administration also withdrew its authorisation and cautioned against the use of hydroxychloroquine use with coronavirus patients.