Elcid Asaei – Unskin

Elcid Asaei – an up and coming Auteur talks about his latest short film – “Unskin”.
Elcid Asaei – an up and coming Auteur talks about his latest short film – “Unskin”.
- Crimson Black ProductionsVimeo Portfolio: https://vimeo.com/crimsonblackproductions
- Crimson Black Productions Website: https://www.crimsonblack.com/
- Crimson Black Productions Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CrimsonBlackLtd
Feature-length film “in the works”, which is an adult, feature-length story, in the vein of ‘Waltz with Bashir’, ‘Persepolis’ and ‘The Red Turtle’:
The Cage: https://thecagefilm.com/
Having received over 11 reviews already, “Unskin” covers four pillars of conceptual style – Urban Mythology, Ancient Mythology, The Big Bang Theory (birth of the Universe/Reincarnation), and Identity Politics which is a core theme of the film. The hooded figure has reflections on Totemism – and all ancient pagean religions depict people who wore masks. Viewers have seen the film as an “alternative superhero movie” with the four pillars theory featuring as an undercurrent theme. The haves and have nots are hinted at in the characters in this abstract story, with enchanting dance movements choreographed by Choreographer – Konstantina Skalionta. Amongst festivals where “Unskin” has been screened includes The Oaxaca” festival – known as The “Sundance of The South”.
When you are a potential filmmaker the key to the success of completing a movie is funding! Crowdfunding is a popular method of raising finance, but in this case, Elcid put his own finance behind “Unskin” of £8,000 and also became Casting Director himself. Behind the talent which has gone into the film are Elcid’s studies in an MA in Film Theory, extensive travel, and extensive writing. Elcid has also studied journalism at The City University and The London College of Communications. He has made six shorts in total – some of which can be seen on the sites itemised at the top of this page.
When one refers to a filmmaker as an “Auteur” the word encompasses activities including directing, writing, producing and sometimes acting. Reminiscent of “The Twilight Zone” our main protagonist in the story seems to have a dual character – and this is part of the charm of the film. Is he Roger Piper when he has his mask on? The metamorphosis sequence is represented by contemporary dance with the narrative conveying “identity politics”, reflecting the divisive world of gender and racial identity.
The film will be launched on VIMEO mid 2020. It is set in London and overall conveys artifice and artificial reality and is a manisfestation of the current “quagmire” of city life in this century.
Elcid’s next project will be a feature length 2D animation with the working title of “The Cage”. For more information on this, watch this space! ENJOY! Penny Nair Price