Gladys Supercentenarian is 113 today

The UK’s oldest person Gladys Hooper, a former pianist, aviator, is celebrating her 113th birthday on Monday 18th February 2016, at Highfield nursing home, Ryde, with her son Derek Hermiston 85, four grand children, 6 great grand children and other family members and friends, according to Gerontology Research Group Records. She also become the oldest person in the world to have a hip replacement aged 112. Her pilot husband Leslie, died in 1977.
As a young woman she was brought up in Rottingdean, East Sussex, and was always interested in parties.
Gladys witnessed the reign of five monarchs and 21 prime ministers. Born in 18th January 1903 in Dulwich, London, the year George Orwell, Amy Johnson, aviator, Film star Bob Hope were born in the same year and Wright Brothers made the first powered flight, Henry Ford, the carmaker produced the first model A Ford. In her 20s she ran her own car hire business. When she was 50 in 1953, Everest was climbed by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgy. When she was 66, Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, and at 86 when the Berlin wall came down.
She ran the Kingscliff House School, which is now Brighton College. She also witnessed the shooting down of a German airship in 1916, by Lt William Leefe Robinson, holder of Victoria Cross.