Greener Grass

Written starring and directed by friends Jocelyn Deboer and Dawn Luebbe in their directorial debut, Greener Grass is a satirical fun poke at suburban life in the USA, loosely based around Greenville North Carolina. Jocelyn and Dawn are from The Mid West. The finished result has been compared to Desperate Housewives, The Simpsons, David Lynch films, with influences from Luis Bunuel and John Waters. The intention was to make the film “a crazy version of suburbia”. The art direction of pastel colours and the adults having braces on their teeth, and the sunshiny effect of a high resolution and definition film is what makes it seem almost like a cartoon come to life!
Drawing from the era of both the fifties and eighties, there are seeds of rebellion coming through. The ladies who created this were remarked on as having “champagne tastes on a beer budget”. They said they were “blessed to work with an incredible group of collaborators”. The characters include a lead role for one of the wives and mothers who is nothing less than “an absolute pushover” – Jill. This caricature character follows her friends around doing everything they ask including seeking a divorce just to mimic them. Her hilarious imitation of a wet blanket who ties fancy g string knickers as scarves round her neck to arouse her husband is startling but her amazing grooming and good looks makes it palatable to try and accept her as an almost plausible part of the hilarious story.
The golf carts which everyone in the neighbourhood travel in, the school teacher who is dark in the brightness of the story, the serial killer, (Dot Marie Jones) , the dog which features in the story in a most unusual role (I won’t be a spoiler and tell you why!) the weird way food is handled and milkshakes are sucked, there is huge attention to detail in each scene.
The two ladies who brought this film to our screens are now planning on a Sci Fi satire. Greener Grass has already shown at another big festival in London and is scheduled for release in mid October in the USA and will most likely be at our big screens here in the UK in November. Remember its different – not your usual same old same old but it definitely deserves to be seen and no doubt you will laugh a lot when you do see it.
Penny Nair Price