How coconuts, broccoli and other fruits and vegetables keep us in tip top shape.
The Vegetable table source of complex carbohydrates and protein, baby corn, has good source of folate, potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and fiber. Dietary fiber found in baby corn is a type of carbohydrate. This fiber has the ability to absorb water to bulk up stools. This in fact, speeds up the transit time of waste through your intestines in turn preventiof constipation and colon cancer. Baby corn contains carotenoids, such as Zexanthin and Lutein which enhances eye health and also has the natural mineral sodium, as a small amount of sodium is needed in your system to help to regulate your body’s fluid balance. Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid, is a water soluble nutrient found in baby corn. Vitamin C also helps in strengthening blood vessels, assisting in Iron absorption and speeding the healing process of wounds.
The citrus fruits are high in Lycopene which helps in protecting us against lung, cervical, mouth, throat, colon, ovarian and stomach cancer. Lycopene also makes your skin and hair look great, as it stimulates and repair bones. It is packed with Vitamin C, A, K, Folate and potassium which protect us from DNA damage and diseases such as Atherosclerosis and it provides thiamine, Niaccn, vitamin B6, Magnesium, Phosphorous, copper all which is necessary for good health. Also a good source of chromium which helps to reduce blood sugar. The high content of biofcatonoids and carotenoids which are anti inflammatory agents help in reducing chronic pain of arthritis or back pain.
Carrots are rich in Beta-carotene, which when converted to Vitamin A can offer protection against macular degeneration, senile cataracts and could also increase our night vision. The antioxidant properties helps to slow down aging of cells and protects our skin from sun damage. Carrots are high in minerals, stimulate gums and trigger a release of saliva which saves your teeth from damage. Vitamin A flushes out toxins from the body and reduces the bile and fat in the liver. Carrots are the only common source of falciarinol compound which helps to reduce the risk of lung, breast and colon cancer. Apart from Beta-carotene, Alpha carotene and Lutein present in carrots lowers the risk of heart disease.
Pappaya tropical fruits are tasty and have good health benefits. Loaded with nutrients every part of the Pappaya tree from fruit to the leaves contains some medicinal properties. The seeds of papaya are good in treating intestinal worms in the body. Pappaya is rich in an enzyme called Papain which helps to dissolve dead cells, giving fresh and glowing skin . Papain is also a digestive enzyme that helps in natural digestion and helps in preventing constipation. It is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C that helps in boosting the body’s immunity and is good for those suffering from fever, cold or flu. It also helps to ease menstrual cramps and helps in promoting the regular flow of menstruation. The extract obtained from the Papaya leaf increases the platelet count also known as Thrombocytes in patients with Dengue fever.
Eggs have long been a source of protein and an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilages, skin and blood and they provide a complete range of aminoacids. Their protein is complete protein. All B Vitamins are found in eggs including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12. Riboflavin, choline, biotin and folic acid. Choline is essential for brain and nerve health. Peptides present in Eggs will reduce high blood pressure. Eggs contain high levels of Omega 3, – Fatty acids, an essential nutrient good for your heart. The iron and Vitamin A helps to support a healthy immune system. The sulphur contained in eggs and additional Vitamins and minerals help to promote hair and nail growth. Selenium – an essential macronutrient helps reduce oxidative stress.
The water of tender coconut is the liquid endosperm and is the most nutritious wholesome beverage that nature has produced to fight sultry heat. It is unctuous, sweet and promotes digestion and aids in clearing the urinary path. It is also a natural isotonic beverage with almost the same level of Electrolyte balance as we have in our blood. It also contains most of the minerals –pottassium, sodium, Magnesium, phosphorous, Iron and copper.
Broccoli can provide some special cholesterol lowering benefits if you steam it, and has a strong positive impact on our body‘s detoxification system. The fiber related components in broccoli binds together bile acids in your digestive tract when steamed. When this binding process takes place, it is easier for acids to be excreted and thereby lower your cholesterol levels. Also it is a rich source of a flavonoid called Kaempferol. This reduces the impact of allergy related substances in our body. It also supports skin including sun damaged skin. Glucoraphan in Broccoli helps skin cells to carry out detoxification and helps to counter act sun damage.
Watermelons contains potassium which helps in cleaning or washing out toxic deposits in the kidneys. The good amount of potassium that is present in watermelons is beneficial in bringing down blood pressure. The Carotenoid, present in this also prevents hardening of artery walls and veins, thereby reducing blood pressure and blood clots, strokes, heart attacks and Atherosclerosis. For diabetic patients the roughage in watermelon and its low energy with help form Vitamin C, Artoenoids and potassium all help to reduce Cholesterol and keep your heart healthy.