India’s ISRO Mars orbiter programme team wins Space Pioneer Award
India’s Mars Orbiter launched on 5 Nov, 2013 that went into Mars Orbit on 24 Sep 2014 achieved no other country has ever done – an
Indian Spacecraft orbited around Mars on maiden attempt and also transmitter full-disk colour imagery of Mars from its elliptical orbit using a high apoapsis a high resolution camera. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) – Mars Orbiter programme team has won the 2015 Space Pioneer Award in the science and engineering category from the US based National Space Society (NSS), the society said.
In a statement issued in Washington Monday, the NSS said its 2015 Space Pioneer Award in the science and engineering category has been won by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Mars Orbiter Programme team.
‘This award will be presented to an ISRO representative during the National Space Society’s 2015 International Space Development Conference, the 34th ISDC between May 20-24, 2015, to be held in Toronto, Canada,’ the statement said.
Very few full disk images have ever been taken in the past, mostly on approach to the planet, as most imaging is done looking straight down in mapping mode, and these will aid planetary research sicentists.
The Mars Orbiter programme team located in Bangalore is headed by Mylswamy Annadurai, the statement said.
The NSS is an independent non-profit educational membership organisation dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization.