Inferno – the Dan Brown saga continues on the Silver Screen
In a way this story is like a cross between Jason Bourne and James Bond…if that doesn’t bore you and it shouldn’t…read on…..
This is a fairly long film and follows on from The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. You would be forgiven for being a bit distraught at the beginning witnessing our hero Robert Langdon in hospital nightdress recovering from we’re not sure what but Robert is not only nursing a gash in the head but a brain which is malfunctioning from ? trauma. “Lovely” Dr. Sienna Brooks takes him under her wing and there is a swift exit anyway as a female dressed in police gear turns up on the ward to assassinate them. Dr tells Robert that she originally met him when she was nine and has read all his books though there is one she doesn’t agree with. Langdon is suitably relaxed to find he is working in tandem with this lady to uncover a riddle through one of Botticelli’s Hell paintings inspired by Dante. I saw that painting or one of his illustrations amongst others some years ago at London’s Royal Academy. The twosome rush around the place deciphering the code and trying to find out who stole a mask in Rome which had vital clues inscribed on it, which turns out to be Robert Langdon. As the hidden cameras reveal it was Langdon so the couple are again on the run.
It turns out though I won’t write a spoiler that those one can trust cannot be trusted and those who seem to be right are wrong.
Finally a world crisis where billions would be wiped out is narrowly averted and there the story concludes.
We are taken on a journey through Rome, Florence and Istanbul amongst other places and there are the usual seasonings of shitty shooty capers and car-chase scenes. Although the film is a tad long it has the relied upon formula of giving the audience a few surprises, sub plots and stunning characters plus a peppering of quite surrealistic scenes reminiscent of The Shining. Go and see for yourself.
Penny Nair Price