Large crack at Birling Gap

RNLI Coxwain MarK Swayer said the authorities understood it was a beautiful place with stunning views, but a large crack at Birling Gap, the south coast near Eastbourne, has led to fresh warnings to people to keep away from dangerous cliff edges as the cliffs were crumbling and could fall at anythime.
Mr Sawyer said “although it looks fine from the top but what people can’t see- as we do from the lifeboats – is now how it’s underpinned. They can’t see the erosion underneath them as there’s some huge holes underneath the earth and the grass up there. There’s no chalk at all. It’s a matter of time before those cliffs go. There has been two recent cliff falls,”.
Coastguards often urge people to keep away from the cliff edges and tops and also stay away from the cliff base in case chalk falls. Geologists have said cracks can stretch back 10m (33ft) to 15m (49ft) into the cliffs.
National Trust which owns Birling Gap, has given this safety advice that cliff falls and erosion are part of the landscape but visitors are advised to act sensibly and stay away from the edge.