Loneliness bad for Health say Experts
The immune system is weakened by being alone, experts have stated after a study on the subject. Lone people are 14% more likely to suffer an early death and white blood cells are causing more ill health in lone individuals. Being alone does not mean you are worthless and you must make every effort to integrate and mix with other people who may also be lone without you. Why lone people find it harder to recover from ill health is not known except that we all need to inter-react as it is a human necessity.
A team at the University of California drew up these findings after conducting studies on the subject. The same findings were discovered for macaque monkeys as for humans during the study.
Scientists doing the study found isolating monkeys with illness increased their likelihood not to recover whilst if they were around other monekys they had a better chance of recovery.
Monocytes – a type of white blood cell which involve illness were more likely to be present amongst lone people or monkeys and with less chance of the immune system fighting off maladies and viral infections. As a result of lone people or monkeys having infections they were also less likely to be around others. Make friends, spend time with others and flourish. Amen. Info from The Independent newspaper.