Loo roll costing £632

Joseph’s Toiletries, a Swiss firm is selling the perfect hygiene luxury roll costing £632 which comes with holder and moisturiser, claiming to be the most soothing and absorbent toilet paper in the world. The award winning toilet roll designed by Swiss designer Bagno Sasso Mobili.
According to Joseph Toiletries “your luxury toilet experience could be Profound softness”. Such luxury, comes at a price and in this case it is more than the cost of a return flight to Australia from London or brand new Iphone 7 plus or 1280 rolls of regular Andrex toilet paper.
According to Josephs; website “A few wipes would never do for the face, hands or hair. Perfect bathroom hygiene isn’t just a luxury but is essential. The toilet roll has dendritic structure that provides optimal absorption that is specifically made for the bottom’s needs, yet fully flushable.”
The tender virgin new-growth fibres are refined with a provitamin B5 and essential mineral coating to provide maximum skin protection even in dry use.”
Joseph luxury Toilet roll eclipses the £11 cost of the Japanese Hanebisho paper, which is made of wood fibre pulp from Canada and water from the cleanest river in Japan.
However, the most expensive toilet roll paper is made of 22-carat gold and costs £825, 000 per roll.