Mayoral battle in London remains competitive but “friendly” – SIX months before the election….
Zac Goldsmith Sadiq Khan
As the battle heats up for the new Mayor to take over from the inimitable Boris Johnson, we can look at two main contenders who are Zac Goldsmith and Sadiq Khan who both have good credentials for providing London with ace supervision and they both have very similar percentages of backing in certain areas according to a recent poll.
Sadiq Khan – Tooting MP against Richmond MP Zac Goldsmith have received respectively the following points for being good in a crisis – 27 per cent and 26 per cent. Overall in current popularity 39 per cent are in favour of the Labour candidate (Sadiq) with 38 in favour of Zac (Tory). On the attribute of being good in a crisis Mr Khan is way ahead with 41 per cent – more than double Mr Goldsmith’s rating of 18 per cent.
Some of the campaign will revolve around whether either candidate named is “in touch” with the voters . Khan has not been in favour of Jeremy Corbyn’s tight lipped response to the National Anthem and at the moment Goldsmith has garnered more supporters from older voters. Watch this space for further news on the build up to the vote for the new mayor….