MDMD – new group of elderly on Euthanasia
My Death My Decision is a group of campaigners who believe they should have the right to die when their quality of life is “below the level they are able to accept”. These are people who want the right to die in old age not necessarily with the accompaniment of a terminal illness. They want to campaign for a change in the law in the UK to allow medical assistance to die to be given to mentally competent adults with incurable health problems that result in their perceived quality of life falling permanently below the level they are wiling to accept”. They wish to change the law so that they can die when they feel their lives are “complete”. This comes after Judith Kerr author, including the bestseller “The Tiger Who Came to Tea” told a Sunday broadsheet that she had written a statement saying that she would not wish to be resuscitated if she were to fall seriously ill. As readers will know elderly British people have travelled to Switzerland in the past for assisted suicides.
A crossbench peer and palliative care consultant has stated, “This group’s objectives reveal a far wider expectation for assisted suicide than previously proposed, illustrating the drift to which such legislation is vulnerable”. “Care not killing” campaigner Dr Peter Saunders has said, “Changing the law to allow assisted suicide or euthanasia will put pressure on vulnerable people to end their lives out of fear from becoming an emotional and financial burden”.