Mohammed Rehman and Sana Ahmed Khan were found guilty

Mohammed Rehman and wifes’ plot to murder exposed


Mohammed Rehman and Sana Ahmed Khan were found guilty
Mohammed Rehman and Sana Ahmed Khan were found guilty

A plot to bomb people in the UK in a similar style to the  the July 7th bombing only in 2016 has been found out.  Westfield or London underground were both considered targets. The guilty couple came from Reading.

Rehman practised exploding devices in his garden which frightened neighbours and alerted authorities in addition to his tweets asking people which target he should plot to bomb.

The two face life behind bars after sentencing today. Rehman’s mother said “I can’t believe I’ve given birth to a person with such a black heart”.  His father Zia suggested someone else was behind putting his son on “the wrong track”.

Rehman had stockpiled ingredients for a bomb bought on e-bay and saved them in his bedroom.  Police discovered a hunting knife and details on how to make explosives amongst other things in his flat.

The tweets earlier referred to cover Rehman’s  codename Silent Bomber which were followed by an undercover officer last  May.