Robin Williams

Movies for 2021


Robin Williams
Robin Williams

ROBIN’S WISH – in honour of the late Robin Williams who “allegedly” self-destructed in 2014 on August 11. Suffering from a condition called “Diffuse Lewy Body Dementia” – a complaint of the brain for which there is no cure, the story covers his story of the curse of the “sad clown” including financial career and mental health problems. Robin Williams died aged 63 – a kind of crossroads in the lives of many when one becomes “old” in other peoples’ eyes.  He brought huge enjoyment and pleasure to many and will be sorely missed.  His third wife produced the film – he met her in 2009 and he also left three children behind him.  Williams once said, “I want to help people be less afraid”.  See the film if you are a fan – guess that’s very very many of you.

Available on major platforms and digital.


Sing Me a Song
Sing Me a Song

Laya is a village 4,000 meters up in The Himalayas and one of the last places on earth to get plugged into the internet! The story follows its impact on a group of novice Buddhist Monks. Peyangki is one of them aged 18 – who was originally in Happiness in 2014 aged 8.  There is the welcome situation of a love affair between Peyangki and a lady he meets online but as often is the case, she proves not to be all she seemed. The age disparities must be at the discretion of the Director.

Available on major platforms.


Vanguard - Jackie Chan
Vanguard – Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan – yes he’s still doing films – stars in this gripping saga as a security guy in a tale of conspiracy on a global level. There’s all your usual menu of fast cars, fast women, conflict, action, intrigue, and espionage to keep you on the edge of your sofas.  Tune in and enjoy.

Available on major platforms.



Musa Hadid – The Christian Mayor of Ramallah – stars in this real-life drama. Ramallah is the capital of The Palestinian National Authority which is ”hemmed in” on “all sides” by Israeli Soldiers.  This is the story of strength, faith, and hope for freedom and a normal life that those people strive for. A very melancholic tale which we all sympathise with wheresoever we may live. Do tune in…

Available on major platforms.


Venice Vanessa Kirby in Pieces of a Woman
Venice Vanessa Kirby in Pieces of a Woman

This story includes a 30-minute birth scene starring Vanessa Kirby as Martha.  I can’t go into a lot of detail but this will be a different viewing to most films which are in some ways predictable. Boyfriend Shaun is played by Shia LaBoeuf. Giving birth is not usually a top topic in films but I guess filmmakers are trying to tease viewers into new “territory”.  This film has already won an award at the Venice Film Festival.  It will be guaranteed to get the “home birthing” groups up in arms.  Watch and see for yourselves.

Available on Netflix Now


The Stand
The Stand

“The Stand” is a story by celebrated author Stephen King.  Whoopi Goldberg who claims she has read his novel at least 45 times is the main star of its movie.  We all know King’s work and we all know Whoopi Goldberg and the unusual name that is one of her trademarks. Goldberg’s career spans almost 40 years and she received an Oscar for Ghost and is known for her part in Sister Act.  In The Stand, she plays a mother aged 108 which she celebrates.

The story follows a flu virus that decimates the population. Other stars in the movie include Amber Heard, James Marsden, and Ezra Miller. The Stand is one of King’s longest novels at roughly 1,152 pages.

Strangely, the release of this film which has been long in the making now seems to reflect modern times and modern tangles with epidemics.


Available on Starzplay now

Reviews by Penny Nair