Mr Park’s Delight – a Saturn Herald Short Story.
His bijou place took quite a lot of energetic ascending to get to. But living in a city he knew that wasn’t unusual. Though past his middle years he was still sprightly, his limbs agile and fast paced. That meant going up to his private place was not difficult yet, and surprised local people whom he recognised, would sometimes raise their eyebrows at his physical speed or at least that’s how it seemed to him.
His place – so loved by him, and so familiar, was really quite Spartan, but there, once inside, he was King of his castle. Everything in it was made of wood. The views from there were splendid – he would watch the sunset and view local people going about their business before he would curl up feeling supremely satisfied with life, stroking his quivering whiskers, his beady eyes finally talking a welcome rest…..’til tomorrow….
In the morning, he would take a little look from his special place then scurry down and play and hunt for brunch….as squirrels do…..Hey Ho….
Penny Nair Price