My thoughts Are Silent

Stars Iryna Verenych- Ostrovska, Andriy Lidagovskiy, Irma Vitoskaya. Director (and Co Writer) Antonio Lukich, (Valeria Kalchenko.)
I defy anyone to say this film is not one of the most original sagas they have ever seen. How much of it is based on fact is very intriguing. Once the film opens – originally in black and white, which turns to colour, the viewer has no way to gauge the direction that this ultimately hugely engrossing story will navigate. A main plot is that, broadly speaking, of the “human condition” – a single mother who loves her errant toyboy and is reliant on her single son, Vadim and plays him up to a point where we are drawn into awe inspiring drama that is both semi-tragic and comic. She most definitely does not want her tall handsome “gamine” son to go to Canada for work but does know he has been asked to make recordings of a famous bird – the Rakhiv Mallard with rare violet feathers and a “song” which it only performs once a year on a lake between Romania and The Ukraine.
Vadim has sound recording equipment and some of his work involves recording birds and animals including wildlife for an undefined in full mysterious cause. Of course the authorities find him a conundrum and there is footage of him being investigated and giving as good as he gets to curious men in uniforms. He ultimately gets away from them, but take note of his outfits as he carries his “boom” around and encounters some life threatening situations in the process. Most of us know that a boom – microphone on a stick is covered in soft wool that makes it appear a bit like a stuffed rabbit! One wonders at the use of animals in the plot who all play their part in the intrigue.
Look out early on in the story for a man apparently carrying the ancient (obviously) tooth of The Messiah and guaranteeing that those who touch it will need to document their luck afterwards! Any more info to you good readers would only be a spoiler to this technically brilliant and unique tale which needs to be seen to be believed. Surely you can find one hour and forty four minutes to get immersed in this well-acted saga. Watch out for the ring mother gives son with the Lord’s Prayer – the same as the one Victoria Beckham wears. I did tell you this script and story is original!
Penny Nair Price