On Being an Achiever – Combinations. In these tough times here’s a poem of inspiration.


What is good can always be better

So it helps in life if you’re a go-getter

It doesn’t matter, you can choose any subject

And doing your very best with it should be your object

Pursue your goal, practice, work hard to infinity

And people will regard you as tho’ you are of a rare divinity

They shouldn’t question your intelligence and never your sanity

And doing great with your project gives you well served vanity

At the end of each day you know you’ve done your very best

So you can relax, put your feet up and have some well earned rest

If you think these rare few times seem meritocratic

You could be right, as an achiever you’re almost aristocratic

Meritocracy is a system based on hard earned ability

When your work keeps being done there’s no fragility

After a while when you’ve practised being systematic

You will find that your skills are almost on automatic

You only live once or so they say

So make it your duty to make the most of every day.

Peace (and Amen).

Penny Nair Price


07724 431329