Pro-Kremlin station offers Farage his own show

RT has been described by Vladimir Putin saying”The channel is funded by the Government so it cannot help but reflect the Russian government’s official position on the events in our country and in the rest of the world one way or another”. They have now offered Nigel Farage his own television show as part of a major revamp in programming. He and columnist Kate Hopkins and left wing activist Paul Mason have also been in talks.
Russell Brand has additionally been approached about his You Tube series, “The Trews” onto RT. Apparently money has been an issue during talks.
Farage may act as a roving reporter during the November US general election. He appeared at the side of Trump last month on television. Farage has told a respectable broadsheet that he has been approached by RT but has not agreed to anything. He said “they may well have a political agenda but you can’t ignore it”. Watch this space.