Sikh uses his turban to rescue injured child

Harman Singh did not think twice about removing his turban to cradle the bleeding head of a 5-year … -old who had just been hit by a vehicle on his way to school in New Zealand. Mr Singh , 22, was at Harman was at his home in Auckland when a five-year-old boy, who was walking to school with his elder sister, was hit by a car nearby, rushed to the spot after hearing the screeching of car wheels.
‘I wasn’t thinking about the turban. I was thinking about the accident and I just thought that he needs something on his head because he’s bleeding. That’s my job to help,’ Mr Singh was quoted as saying by New Zealand Herald.
Though removing turban is rare, Mr Singh said the religious protocols do not restrict action in emergency situations, the report said.
The injured boy was rushed to a nearby hospital where his injuries were initially thought to be life-threatening but now stable.
An eyewitness to the whole episode, Gagan Dhillon clicked a picture of Mr Singh with the child and posted it on social networking site Facebook with a caption ‘So proud of this young Sikh man who helped at a crash this morning where a child was hit by a car.’
Dhillon, a Sikh himself, said taking off a turban to help a stranger on street was a rare sight. There was enough help as there was, but being a Sikh myself, I know what type of respect the turban has. People just don’t take it off – people die over it.