Smartphones make owners stroll in a swagger
According to The Sunday Telegraph, smartphone owners who text or generally use their phones as they are moving has led to some of them doing “silly walks”. Scientists have said that the habit of staring at them whilst walking in the street has changed the way people walk.
The research was carried out by the University of Delaware and found the gait of phone users becomes more exaggerated especially when for example, dialling numbers. 22 volunteers were asked by the Uni to dial a number whilst walking. Their knees bend to peak position on each step and their ankles flex fully as they adapat their walks to avoid tripping. Problems of “text walkers” came to a head in Belgium when they brought “text walking lanes” to avoid endangering or irritating other pedestrians. The research was first published in the journal “Motor Behaviour”.
Meanwhile as many readers will know, a massive clampdown is in operation to make drivers especially those with vans and lorries desist from using their phones whilst in motion. This will ultimately save lives and offenders will have their driving licences taken off them. This action is welcome. Too many accidents have already been caused by this use of phones in moving vehicles already.