Spitting Image to be relaunched

A puppet of Boris Johnson has been unveiled ahead of the return of the 80s popular satirical TV show Spitting Image this autumn after 24 Years, recreated by the BBC and ITV for their Britbox streaming service. Puppets of the prime minister’s senior adviser Dominic Cummings and Prince Andrew have also been revealed. The show originally ran for 18 series from 1984 until it was axed in 1996. The show memorably featured former Conservative PM Margaret Thatcher in a man’s suit berating members of her cabinet, known as “the vegetables”. Her successor John Major was caricatured as a dull, grey puppet with a penchant for peas. Prime Ministers serving after him – Labour’s Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, as well as Conservatives David Cameron and Theresa May escaped the experience of being regularly parodied on the show The new series is also set to mock politicians around the world, including US President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin.