Stay at Home : A Charted Accountant

A Charted Accountant did a home audit during quarantine and Lockdown.
His report shocked him.
” I have realised our home & kitchen is the most misguided place”.
- There is no stock ledger maintained. Procurement is not in line with the provision factor. Purchase orders are placed verbally. Inventory maintenance is very poor,
- There are no budgeting documents.
- There is also no indexing of products.
- No bin cards were displayed.
- No Annual, Monthly or quarterly stock-taking has been carried out.
- No Inspection has been carried out for years. Most of the spoons and plates are of wrong pattern and do not match with the original part number.
- No Procedure for inventory valuation.
- Weighing scale nonexisting.
- No handing over/taking over files maintained.
- No SOP and menu displayed.
- Fire fighting equipment not held.
- Sufficient reserves are not maintained.
- The annual balance sheet and other financial statements have not been prepared since inception.
- A lot of unaccounted cash was found in many boxes in the kitchen.
- We understand that many items are lent/borrowed to/from neighborhood families but no records have been maintained. Periodical balance confirmations were not made available for inspection
- .*Audit report for home.