John Rowling is a well loved friend of mine. Born in 1921, he has kept himself busy not only whilst working but by also studying in depth on other subjects than his occupation as a senior surgeon (he studied medicine at Cambridge) but also in his retirement, creating books like this – which are head and shoulders above those you may averagely find on the bookshelves of well-frequented shops around the town or city where you may live or visit, and are a delight to handle as well as read.
In this very finely bound and illustrated book, together with tasteful chapter titles in translated Latin, and segments introduced for example as MATERIA MEDICA (page 61) with four other segments, you can find stories, amongst others, on the Death of Marlowe, An Israelite in Whom is no Guile, A Happy Deception, What’s In a Name? and Visum Peccati (A Vision of Sin).
The most I can say and I also deeply hope, is that you can find a copy somewhere that you can handle and read with the pleasure and purpose the book has been created. Most stories cover things we already know a little about, depending on our age and reading range. Some stories contain adventures like exploring underground water tunnels where nothing, as in life, goes as expected!
John has taken extensive pains to publish photographs and bibliographies to back up his chosen writings in “A Book of Curious Things”. Dig in and enjoy it if you can find a copy. Since as well as being a Master of Surgery from his beloved Cambridge, he is the owner of an M.D. in the pathology of Egyptian Mummies as well as having other qualifications, he is a tower of knowledge and a great inspiration to writers and seekers of knowledge everywhere. Do anything you can to get your hands on a copy. It will enrich your life so very very much.
Penny Nair Price
Publishing consultant: Mike Warren
Image Production, Typesetting and Cover Design by Matt Swann Creative Ltd.21stbookdesign.blogspot.com
Printed and bound in the UK by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CRO 4YY
Copyright @ J. Thompson Rowling 2015 – M.A., M.D., M. Chir. (OANTAB), F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.