Searching into every corner making everything seem warm and bright
We feel the temperature rising to a new height
And a perfect blue fills the sky
Step out of the door and feel the warmth caressing your face
Feel your body sun-kissed and warmer with every pace
See the blossoms in full bloom and the leaves a luscious green
Dispel the doomy feelings from cold weather and in your summer clothes be seen
Sunshine makes people feel young and also be free
You can see happy dogs, happy parents and children filled with glee
But as the heat builds up to an oppressive hot
We sometimes think of the rain we had forgot
Rushing inside to take a cold bath or icy shower
The hot weather burns on hour upon hour
Beckoning us to go lazing in the park
Or go and cool off having a drink while it gets dark
Perfumes of the body heat rub off on us and others too
But lets face it hot weather rarely makes us feel blue
We suddenly discover clothes we half remembered we had
And to put them on – however scanty makes us feel so glad
When we dress up together with hats and specs its a bit of a pantomime
But its how we remember that we are finally in the midst of Summertime!
Cheers All!
Penny Nair Price