Bitstamp loses 19000 bitcoins worth £3.3m after a vicious Cyberattack

“Avoid bitcoins for Now”- Gavin Anderson On Monday, 5th January 2015, Security concerns were alarmingly raised at Bitstamp Europe’s leading bitcoin exchange, after an apparent hack that led to the company losing 19,000 bitcoins, worth £ 3.3m. This led to a sharp fall in the price of crypto currency. Bitcoin at its peak, traded for…

13.5 million Bitcoins in circulation – but not widely used

Blockstream was given $21 million by leading Silicon Valley investors including Sun Microsystems founder Vinod Khosla  and Linkedin founder Reid Hoffman – who aims to extend Bitcoin’s functionality so it can power much more than just payments. Bitcoin, is a digital currency built upon software that uses cryptographic transactions to prevent counterfeiting without the need…