24 carat Gold £30,000 a year facial masks for the super-rich

    The super-rich and the Britain’s elite are spending £30,000 a year on facial masks and other visit the Oro Gold Beauty clinic in London and given a treatment where a mask containing 24 carat Gold flakes laid over their faces. According to a beauty therapists rich clients get hooked in to the beauty…

Kerala gold loan companies hold 200 tonnes of gold jewellery

Gold is the most followed and globally traded commodity as gold is the world’s primary monetary asset.  Respected economic historian and author of the “Gloom, Boom and Doom Report,” Dr. Marc Faber has warned about the continuing and coming decline of western economic power and believes that the generation of young people starting to work…

Removed from plane for serving wrong nuts to CEO’s daughter

Seoul: Korean Air apologised as it faced a media backlash over the daughter of the airline’s CEO, who had a chief purser ejected from a plane in a furious reaction to being incorrectly served some macadamia nuts. While insisting it was ‘reasonable’ for its executive vice-president Cho Hyun-Ah to have raised a problem with the…

13.5 million Bitcoins in circulation – but not widely used

Blockstream was given $21 million by leading Silicon Valley investors including Sun Microsystems founder Vinod Khosla  and Linkedin founder Reid Hoffman – who aims to extend Bitcoin’s functionality so it can power much more than just payments. Bitcoin, is a digital currency built upon software that uses cryptographic transactions to prevent counterfeiting without the need…