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World War II has been plundered for material for bestselling movies for years and there have also been other films made about Bletchley Park. How this one is different is that with an all-star cast, there is real drama about Alan Turing’s ability to beat the Germans by codebreaking Enigma and then the team making decisions about whether they can prevent German atrocities killing British men or whether they have to leave them to go ahead due to a lack of back-up in the area. There is one scene where one of the team has a relative on board a vessel which is to be attacked by Germans and it goes ahead – the reason is not entirely clear why that particular ship could not be saved – of course he is serious distress especially when the phone is defiantly smashed up by one of the team.
With an all-star cast, including Charles Dance as a majestic Commander, and Keira Knightley as the fiancée of the gay Turing, together with a host of other big names in film, the story also includes Turing’s homosexuality which at the time was an offence punishable by imprisonment. it covers the fact that Turing has to break off his engagement with Joan (Keira) and after the war he was offered two alternatives – prison or medication to treat his gayness which made him so ill that he eventually took his own life.
The story includes flashbacks to Turing’s schooldays and his obvious high intelligence and differentness from the other boys led to serious bullying, including him being nailed into a box by bullies and left fighting for his life. He was told by the Headmaster that his best friend was dead but the implication is that he was possibly taken out of the school to avoid a homosexual relationship developing.
Scenes of dancing and flirting and general fun-making are wonderfully filmed with great attention to detail being given to make up and costumes as well as the actual sets. Other scenes of bombings, ships, and bomb sites are, as usual of the highest standard which has made British film such a great competitor on the international movie scene.
Turing only secured his job at Bletchley by going over the head of the Commander (Charles Dance) and directly writing to Winston Churchill who agreed to take him on.
Of course this is a story with pregnant pauses and poignant moments about a difficult time in world history but Benedict Cumberbatch’s lead wraps this up as a truly watchable saga with several layers including humour to keep the audience enchanted. Keira Knghtley’s hair style and hair colour also add to the film’s appeal.
Penny Nair Price
Writer – Morten Tyldum