Tintin in Kolkata

Following Tintin’s first appearance in Le Petit Vingtieme on January 10, 1929, the Tintin comics (1919-1986), created by the Belgian illustrator Georges Remi under the pseudonym Herge, became popular from kid-friendly anti-soviet propaganda to a globally recognisable brand.
Herge’s Tintin comics have sold over 200 million copies across 101 languages, Herge had a desire to visit Kolkata and set an adventure and was planning to do a Tintin story based in Kolkata before be died on March 3, 1983, a few days before his first scheduled meeting with Spielberg. Tintin the boy reporter with lots of courage and no compromise with corruption. Tintin inspired ordinary human beings the ability to overcome extraordinary challenges, even being ready sacrifice one’s own life to save others. Herge published 23 Tintin stories before his death in 1983, but his incomplete work Tintin and Alph-Art was published unfinished in 1986 with Herge’s pencilled drawings, rough sketches and story notes.
The Belgian embassy has dedicated Tintin’s 89th birthday to Bengal and designed a special cover.