Uttar Pradesh Job advert attracts 2.3 million applicants

When Uttar Pradesh the Northern Indian state announced a 368 jobs for tea boys and guards has attracted 2.3 million applicants., including graduates and doctorates for the jobs paying Rs 16,000 ( £160.00) a month.
India is struggling to absorb the 12 million school leavers entering the workforce each year.
The massive number seeking the menial jobs reflects the high level of unemployment in the Uttar Pradesh.
Senior administrative officer Prabhat Mittal said that the state government would conduct a written exam to short list applicants as interviewing all of them would take four years, even if candidates are processed at the rate of 2000 per day.
Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister, promised to create jobs when he was elected last year at the head of the Bharatiya Janta Party, focuing on programmes to develop worker’s skills, they have pleaded with young Indians to become entrepreneurs.
Economist blame the India’s restrictive labour laws which discourage private employers from hiring, alongwith privileges of government employees and the reservation system of preferences for lower-caste Indians.
250m workers are employed in state owned companies like Indian Railways.
In government jobs, you do nothing and get paid for a nice healthy wage and you can’t be fired. You have job for life.