The little known Chinese art of Wing Tsun saved Della O’Sullivan from fear of being stalked when she not only took up the discipline but also became one of the world’s top fighters in the martial art. She was stalked for four years before taking action after not only being followed but also pestered on her phone.
Though she told the police her stalker would always “run away and vanish by the time the police got there”. 3 of her uncles were stab victims on an estate in South London where she grew up and her son is now twelve. Though she has a small frame, Della fell for the sport of Wing Tsun and did intensive training in it. In less than a year she was advanced level and later opened the Wing Tsun Academy and is now one of the highest ranking members in the world in this art. Her clients include celebrity bodyguards and security guards with 90 per cent of her clientele being male.
On October 29 2016 she is hosting a women and girls self defence charity seminar in Dulwich with all proceeds going to Bede House community charity based in Southwark.
People are still surprised that Della who is quite petite has achieved this high position and is now able to help others who have been looking for a way to make themselves feel safer in the community, meet new people and learn a new art and just be more active in general.