Who ditched you?
“Who Deleted Me on Facebook”, a new iOS app in Facebook lets you track your enemy, and are able to know who precisely ‘un-friended’ you on Facebook.
We look for someone who we know to be a friend of ours on Facebook and they are no longer on our list of friends.
A search for them yields that they are still listed on Facebook. Did they quit us? Did they quit Facebook and then come back?
Be sure before you get worked up about someone unfriended you in facebook, ensure that you are no longer in each others’ friends lists. Sometimes, it may seem somebody had unfriended you, when in reality their activity in facebook have been dormant.
You can tell if you are friends or not with someone if you click on their profile, and look on the top right section of the page, it either says friends which means you are still friends, or add a friend, which means they unfriended you in Facebook.
Now you are updated as soon as someone un-friends you. The app won’t show you any past activity and it only tracks changes from the time that you activate it.
In Twitter, ‘Who Unfollowed Me’, tells you when friends have vanished from your list and whether they’ve deactivated their accounts or actually gotten rid of you.