London Art Fair Islington

    London Art Fair Islington 16-20 January 2019 – A host of works to feast your eyes on and also to add to your collection. This Art Fair puts London on the map right at the beginning of the year with an impressive array of work to appeal to every taste and covering more…

PM’s Brexit deal; Historic humiliation rejected by huge margin

Theresa May’s deal has been crushed by an alliance of her critics who is bitterly divided. Tomorrow , an official vote of no confidence in her government being mounted by the Labour party a legal attempt to push the government to collapse into a general election. However, Mrs May is expected to win the confidence…

Newmont ‘s $10bn Goldcorp deal creating largest goldminer

  Newmont Mining is to acquire Canada’s Goldcorp in a $10bn deal creating world’s biggest gold miner. The US listed group is offering 0.3280 of its shares plus 2 cents in cash for each Goldcorp share, an 18 per cent premium to Friday’s closing price. The deal including debt values Goldcorp at $12.5bn and will…

Vodka was invented by Poles

For several centuries beverages differed significantly compared to the vodka of today invented in the 8th century, as the spirit at that time had a different flavour, colour and smell and was used originally as medicine, as it contained very little alcohol about 14 per cent, as this amount can be attained by natural fermentation.…

Iraq war veteran’s online Marijuana distribution business

US government continues to wage feckless war on cannabis, technology entrepreneurs like Socrates Rosenfeld was thinking about drugs, alcohol and money while his MIT Sloan School of Management class mates were filling up worksheets on discounted cash flows. Eighteen months after obtaining an MBA, he abandoned a job with McKInsey to launch a start up…

Race is on for vertical flying vehicles by 2025

Aviation giant Bell, one of the largest manufacturers of commercial and military vertical take-off vehicles has claimed flying taxis may become a reality within the next six years as it showed off vertical take-off and landing “flying car” concept in partnership with Uber Elevate. The Hybrid Nexus is powered by six propellers and would carry…

Sharp surge in trans children changing names in UK

  The UK Deed Poll Service has seen a sharp rise in the number of parent paying £35 to alter their child’s title from “Miss to Master” or “Master to Miss” in the past five years, with at least one child under-16-year-old making the change every day. These changes are followed by the renouncing of…

Mr Five per cent tycoon

“Mr Five Per Cent” the godfather of  Iraq’s oil industry, Calouste Gulbenkian’s art of negotiation with minutiae of complex legal agreements, and haggling until the breaking point of an opponent’s patience was reached, is in line with his motto “ Check, check, Check”. When he died in 1955, aged 86, he was the world’s richest…

Behavioural genetics: Intellectual capacity, introversion or extraversion, shaped by our inherited DNA differences

“Genetics is the most important factor shaping who we are”  write Robet Plomin a behavioural geneticist at King’s College London  recognised globally for his research into the genetics of intelligence. “ It explains  more of the psychological differences between us thane everything else put together, the most important environmental factors, such as our families and…